
She Shocked Everyone

Her Husband’s Scrotum In Church. This Is Gold. During the service, the pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for…

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In This Issues

One day little Johnny asks his father

One day little Johnny asks his father “Dad, why do grown-ups like to exercise in bed?” Wife was cooking dinner…

5 Times DNA Tests Turned Family’s Lives Upside Down

DNA or paternity tests can be requested for various reasons. However, the following five stories show how it can end…

Boyfriend Is Cheating a Funny Story

A Blonde Suspects That Her Boyfriend Is Cheating On Her, So She Goes Out And Buys A Gun. She Goes…

Spoiled Teen Mocks Stewardess Not Knowing His Rich Dad Has Been Watching Him – Story of the Day

17-year-old Andrew, a spoiled rich kid accustomed to having his way, often mistreats others. After seeing him mock a flight…

December 2023

Enterprise Magazine


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