
What Is the Power of Prayer?

In other words, who you become, the circumstances in your life, and the core of your character are all determined by what you talk to…

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In This Issues

4 Stories of Couples with Jaw-Dropping Twists No One Saw Coming

**1. The Fiancé Who Caused a Tragic Accident** Lily and Tom had always been the epitome of a loving couple.…

Devastated Mom Wants to Adopt, Spots Girl at Adoption Agency Strikingly Similar to Her Late Daughter

In the muted light of her living room, Eleanor yelped, throwing her Chinese take-out box somewhere behind her and not…

Respect Your Parents In Their Old Age

In a serene moment at home, an elderly father and his educated son found themselves interrupted by a bird landing…

A touching story about love, family, and the true value of home

Family disputes over inheritance can create significant tension. This story involves a woman who faced this when her mother passed…

December 2023

Enterprise Magazine


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